Registration Countdown – 4 days!

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Music, Inventors, Spanish, Finance, and..BIOMES!



Have you heard of the giant anteater?  It can smell 40 times better than humans and has a tongue that can extend 18 inches.


Do you know that polar bear’s fur is not white?  It is hollow and reflects light.  So, they appear to be white when they are not.


Is the bald eagle bald? No, it has white feathers that may look bald when seeing them from far away.  Their wingspan can be 7 feet wide.  How does that compare to your arm span?


Did you think that coral was just part of the rocky reef surface?  These organisms, called coral polyps, are very much alive and are carnivores.

Do you like learning about animals and their habitats?  Come and join us and learn more concerning all these amazing animals in their various habitats.


2 thoughts on “Registration Countdown – 4 days!

    1. Hi Karina! Our apologies for the delayed response! As homeschoolers ourselves, we get really busy sometimes! The registration period has closed and in order to be fair to teachers (wonderful volunteers putting their time and effort to make this a reality!) we are not adding any late registrations so that they don’t have to make last minute changes. However, be sure to join the group on Facebook ( or subscribe to this blog to stay up-to-date for the Spring semester!


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