Top 8 Reasons to Be a Part of Brandon Learning Co-op


#1 We are inclusive: Brandon Learning Co-op was created taking into account everyone in our community who embraces learning, without an affiliation with any particular religious belief or lifestyle. As long as we respect each other, cooperate with each other, and grow together in a positive manner, the benefits will flow naturally. Register HERE

#2 We are families working together to make this happen: our website might be fancy (just kidding!) and our name might sound like a big corporate machine, but the truth is, we are just homeschool families that have gotten together to put this together. We take time out of our day (intertwined somewhere within our crazy schedules) and we put all of this together. Register HERE

#3 It’s small (for now) but it’s full of dedication and love: we are offering 5 classes. It may not seem like a lot, but there is a lot of work involved in getting these classes going! We didn’t want to just put anything out there, we wanted to create something unique, applying the same standards we would expect for our own kids. Register HERE

#4 Our kids will be in the classes too! and we are paying for the classes too (no freebies!). That just goes to show you: it’s up to par! Register HERE

#5 AFFORDABLE is an understatement: Our greatest effort has been to create a set of classes that would be affordable for homeschoolers. We are homeschoolers ourselves, and we know the struggle of finding classes that won’t break the bank. Because we worked really hard to keep costs to a bare minimum, we are able to pass the savings on to you. Register HERE

#6 It’s FREE to be a part of the co-op: all our classes are a la carte, and there is no membership fee to be a part of the co-op. Register HERE

#7 You don’t HAVE to teach (or do any particular job)…but your help and teaching is more than welcome! The co-op cannot exist without the parents who step up to teaching, but we do not require anyone to do so. It really is up to you how you decide to pitch in. Even sharing a post from our blog is a big help! Register HERE

#8 We NEED you. You are the sunshine and the rain that will help this little seed thrive.

Register HERE